Episode 239 - 3 reasons why taking a career break is good for you physical and mental health
The format of this is as follows: 1.Introduction 2. Examples of breaks 3. Three reasons why 4. Closing thoughts LinkedIn post about Vikrant Massey - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/soma-sh-oma-ghosh-26086638_vikrant-massey-ends-silence-on-retirement-activity-7271070937557401600-ke1d?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Other relevant career break episodes 1.Episode 7 - How can I restart my career after a career break 2.Episode 237 - 3 Reasons why you should be having regular breaks in your working day? 3.Episode 231 - Business burnout- 3 ways to handle this and why you shouldn’t ignore it? 4.Episode 199 - Why are we rejecting Hustle Culture 5.Episode 197 - 5 TV shows you should watch about the world of work 6.Episode 188 - Is flexible working really the answer to burnout? 7.Episode 168 - Is Burnout still an issue and what can you do to prevent it? 8.Episode 95 - 3 ways to manage career and life pressure 9.Episode 77 Dealing with Chronic Illness and your Career 10.Episode 74 - Can you afford to take a career break? If you have any questions about the podcast please email me at soma@somaghosh.com or soma@thecareerhappinessmentor.com
From "The Career Happiness Podcast"
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