Episode 223 James Higginbotham 2, Founder of LaunchAny and API Consultant
Back in February, James Higginbotham joined us for a chat about what it’s like to work with increasingly large developer teams. Now he’s back to catch us up on what he’s been doing at his company, LaunchAny. LaunchAny is an API strategy and design consultancy, and so James is the ideal person to ask this question: I’ve launched my API, now how do I run it professionally? James explains how he’s seen commercial forces create a shift, where APIs are now not only being taken more seriously, but an absence of them can create serious issues for otherwise stable organisations. A key example he gives is of a company that lost a bid for a big silicon valley client due to their inability to present a solid API integration plan. A few years later, they bid again, and won. What happened in the years since? James and his team had been working with them to help build up their API portfolio, and they were then in a position to offer all the client wanted and more. James also talks to us about lifecycles, and the deprecation of APIs. While so far he hasn’t had an influx of people looking to sunset their API in a professional way, he expects that in the next few years of API sprawl, this will become a lot more prevalent. Be sure to give this episode a listen for some technical insights into the API world! Reach out to James here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jameshigginbotham/ Check out LaunchAny: https://launchany.com/ Find out more and listen to previous podcasts here: https://www.voxgig.com/podcast Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly updates and information about upcoming meetups: https://voxgig.substack.com/ Join the Dublin DevRel Meetup group here: www.devrelmeetup.com
From "Fireside with Voxgig"
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