Bruce Springsteen once said that the secret to good songwriting was striking a balance between the personal and the universal: Get specific with people and locations first before shading in the rest with the kinds of generalities that make your listener relate, and hopefully, feel something. Craig Finn -- leader of the rough-and-ready, Grammy-nominated outfit The Hold Steady -- has subscribed to this philosophy in spades, garnering a cult-like fandom over 20+ years. On critically-acclaimed albums like Separation Sunday and Boys & Girls In America, the band has wheeled-and-dealed jaw-dropping tales of overdoses, arrests, confessional debauchery, and post-party pathos on par with any binge-worthy crime drama. Yet, despite those circumstances, the most fervent fans of The Hold Steady often connect most with the undying optimism that lies within Finn's brash and bewildered characters -- many of which show up on multiple tracks. Recorded in front of a live audience at Pinwheel Records in Chicago, Craig spotlights a lyrical trick he learned from Paul Simon, the babysitter who schooled him on Led Zeppelin, and the intriguing plot of his next solo album, due in spring. Visit craigfinn.net and theholdsteady.net for news, social media, tour dates and more. You can also subscribe to That's How I Remember It -- where Craig examines the connections between art and memory -- wherever you listen to podcasts. Live sound engineer: Manny Medina
From "Vinyl Emergency"
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