Episode 169: Impact and Inspiration: Brian T. Sebastian’s Mission to Showcase Hidden Talent
In this episode, Rennie and Brian cover: (1:36 - 2:09) Brian expresses gratitude for being on the show and commends Rennie for his consistent efforts in producing the podcast and mentions the challenges of maintaining a live weekly show. (2:20 - 3:04) Supporting Small Businesses and Artists: Brian talks about his focus on supporting small businesses, women-owned businesses, minorities, and artists. He emphasizes the importance of providing a platform for people who struggle to get exposure and financial support. (3:05 - 3:27) Charity Work Mention: Rennie shares that he donates all profits from his work to veteran and animal charities, asking Brian about a cause that’s important to him. (3:27 - 4:39) Brian mentions his support for St. Jude's Hospital for kids and the Dream Weaver Arts organization. He also discusses his connection with Elvis Presley’s family and their charitable efforts. (4:58 - 6:00) Brian elaborates on his work with a wide age range (8 to 80 years old), including involvement in the toy industry and marching bands. He highlights the challenges smaller companies face in getting recognition. (6:01 - 6:14) Rennie briefly mentions that Los Angeles has programs for donating and repairing instruments for schools, noting it as a rarity. (6:14 - 7:04) Music Support: Brian talks about the support for drum and bugle corps, emphasizing the importance of providing opportunities for young and older musicians alike. (7:19 - 8:38) Perspective on Failure: Brian explains that his failures were more about others not recognizing his vision rather than personal failure. He discusses the importance of having a chance to showcase one’s abilities and mentions his aspiration to support others, similar to Rennie’s charitable efforts. (8:52 - 10:11) Success Stories: Brian shares stories about helping Yvette Freeman with her magazine and Bill and Sonia Mazzie with their product for port-a-potties. He highlights the importance of giving people a chance to succeed. (10:27 - 11:07) How to Connect: Brian encourages listeners to check out his live Tuesday night shows and provides his email for further contact. He mentions the importance of being accessible while noting the need for caution as his status grows. To learn more about Brian and get access to his weekly show visit: www.youtube.com/@moviereviewsnmore OR email: moviereviewsnmore@gmail.com (11:18 - 11:46) Brian thanks Rennie for the opportunity and emphasizes the importance of helping others. He mentions the concept of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and the significance of persistence. (11:47 - 12:43) Rennie offers additional resources for listeners, including his TEDx talk and a free roadmap to financial choice. He thanks the audience for tuning in and encourages them to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast. “I saw there was always a need for people, small business, women-owned, minorities, people in general, and they don't always have a place where they can get the word out for what they're doing… It's about helping everybody that we can, showcasing them and promoting them to the best of our ability.” Brian T. Sebastian To learn more about Brian and get access to his weekly show visit: www.youtube.com/@moviereviewsnmore OR email: moviereviewsnmore@gmail.com If you'd like to know how books, movies, and society programs you to be poor, and what the cure is, visit wealthonanyincome.com/TEDx. You'll hear Rennie's TEDx talk and can request a free 27-page Roadmap to Complete Financial Choice™ and receive a weekly email with tips, techniques, or inspiration around your business or money. AND if you'd like to see how you can increase your wealth and donate to the causes that touch your heart. Please check out our affordable program ‘Wealth with Purpose’. Rennie’s Books and Programs https://wealthonanyincome.com/books/ Wealth with Purpose: https://wealthonanyincome.com/wealthwithpurpose Rennie’s 9 Days to Financial Freedom program: https://wealthonanyincome.com/programs Connect with Rennie Websites: WealthOnAnyIncome.com RennieGabriel.com Email: Rennie@WealthOnAnyIncome.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/renniegabriel/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WealthOnAnyIncome/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RennieGabriel YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdIkYMOuvzHQqVXe4e_L8Pg Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wealthonanyincome/
From "Wealth On Any Income"
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