Episode 151: Fergus Hodgson, Author, "The Latin America Red Pill"
Fergus Hodgson is publisher of the Impunity Observer, a geopolitical intelligence service focused on the rule of law and economic development at the nexus of Anglo and Latin America. He is also the founder of Econ Americas LLC, a financial consultancy devoted to alternative investments, stakeholder management, and jurisdictional arbitrage. He is the author of the new book, "The Latin America Red Pill: My Search for Freedom South of the Border." He was born in Hamilton, New Zealand, to a Kiwi father and an Irish-Canadian mother from Calgary, Alberta. Fergus grew up on a sheep and cattle farm and moved to the United States on a rowing scholarship to study economics at Boston University. He is a triple citizen who resides in Fort Collins, Colorado, and has been an expat in seven countries. Given pride in his Anglo-Celtic heritage, he travels frequently to the British Isles. Fergus was our guest on Episode 151 of the Agents of Innovation podcast. You can also watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/r3FbV1RBnG4 You can follow him on X at: https://x.com/FergHodgson You can also find out more about his new book, "The Latin America Red Pill" at: https://amzn.to/3OSxjDT Follow the Agents of Innovation podcast on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/innovationradio/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/agentinnovation Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AgentsOfInnovationPodcast You can support this podcast and our Fearless Journeys community on our Patreon account: www.patreon.com/fearlessjourneys You can also join our network through the Fearless Journeys community at: https://www.fearlessjourneys.org/
From "Agents of Innovation"
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