Episode 15: Stacy Kirk - A Women Who is an Innovator

16 Sep 2019 • 47 min • EN
47 min
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In this episode, Alison Wade and Jessie Shternshus chat with Stacy Kirk, a Woman Who is an Innovator. Stacy Kirk is a champion of quality and process innovation in software development. She is the founder and CEO of QualityWorks Consulting Group, an international quality-driven software consulting firm. QualityWorks has seen a 400% growth of clients, staff, and revenue since the expansion from Los Angeles to include an office and team in Jamacia. Stacy has become an internationally known speaker talking about "Bold and Fearless Leadership," "Continuous Integration of Quality and Innovation" "DevOps Cultural and Process Transformation," and "Full Stack Testing with Node.js." She’s also an ally and an advocate for Women Software Engineers, who believes that diversity is the key to creating great products.

From "Women Who Change Tech"

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