Episode 147: Like Lavender

22 Sep 2023 • 135 min • EN
135 min
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Podcasting 2.0 September 22nd 2023 Episode 147: "Like Lavender" Adam & Dave are joined by Dovydas of RSSBlue.com to discuss V4V, Live Podcasts and together watch the collapse of the P.I.C. ShowNotes We are LIT Dovydas RSSBlue.com RSSBlue.com London Russell Brand / Rumble / Podcasts Who is Caroline Dinenage? - by Nik Jewell The memos Features Podcast Mirror - High Performance Feed Mirror service rustScript.txt Top 100 Chart Podcast addict alerts PodcastOne (PODC) Becomes First Podcast Network to Grant ------------------------------------- MKUltra chat Transcript Search What is Value4Value? - Read all about it at Value4Value.info V4V Stats Last Modified 09/22/2023 14:57:59 by Freedom Controller  

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