Episode 14: Portia Tung - A Woman Who Uses the Power of Play

23 Aug 2019 • 53 min • EN
53 min
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In this episode, Alison Wade and Jessie Shternshus chat with Portia Tung, a Woman Who uses the Power of Play. Portia is an Executive and Personal Coach, Enterprise Agile Coach, and Play Researcher. Her research on play has led her to live a more playful life, so much so that she has managed to dream The School of Play into existence. The School of Play inspires and enables adults to make their dreams come true by nurturing their inner monkey and developing their play intelligence through play adventures. Portia talks about utilizing playful leadership and making it into a repeatable learning process. Join us to learn more about the importance of play in the workplace and in your personal lives.

From "Women Who Change Tech"

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