Ryan Selkis: “Too Many Variables” – Understanding the Lasting Effects of COVID19
This week we have a special episode on the entire globe's most talked about topic, the Corona Virus. We are joined by guest Ryan Selkis, CEO of Messari. Ryan was one of the first people in the space to start talking about Covid19 and has been very vocal on this subject on Twitter and his newsletter since the crisis began in January. We discuss how this virus has become so deadly and the current health and economic conditions, containment and protecting yourself, how the markets, crypto and startups have been affected, and what is yet to come. Topics covered in this episode:How Ryan become so interested in the Corona VirusThe current global health and economic impact of Covid19The provisions Ryan is making personally and on a company levelMessari's plans for virtual events over the coming weeksA deeper look into the global financial impact of Covid19What does this all have in store for startupsThe stimulus being put in place in the US and its monetary effectsThe current state of the marketsThe long term effects from a societal perspectiveRyan's prediction on what happens next Episode links: Ryan Selkis TwitterRyan's List of Must Follow Expert Accounts on TwitterTBI/Messari 2019-nCoV TrackingCoronavirus: Why You Must Act NowRIP Moon TimesMessari Corona Coverage & ResourcesMainnet Events, by MessariDonald G. McNeil Jr.Google Sheets - create and edit spreadsheets online, for free.Epicenter 2020 Audience Survey Sponsors: Status: A multi-purpose communication tool that combines a peer-to-peer messenger, secure crypto wallet, and web3 browser - https://status.im/ShapeShift: ShapeShift is the leading crypto platform offering zero-commission trading - https://shapeshift.com/ This episode is hosted by Sebastien Couture & Brian Fabian Crain. Show notes and listening options: epicenter.tv/331
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