Ryan Sean Adams: Mythos Capital – On Becoming Bankless
Ryan Sean Adams is the Founder of Mythos Capital, a crypto fund and staking provider for “big fish” stakeholders. He also writes the popular DeFi newsletter, Bankless. In addition to providing excellent insights about the ecosystem, Bankless takes a very practical approach to leveraging DeFi. Ryan shares strategies and encourages readers to complete action items to utilize the full potential of decentralized finance and become bankless. He also hosts a podcast by the same name with David Hoffman. Topics covered in this episode:Ryan's background as a tech entrepreneur and how he got involved in cryptoLaunching Mythos Capital and the thesis behind this fundThe importance of becoming “bankless” to preserve self-sovereigntyWhat good analogies we can use to describe DeFi and the use of clear terminology to describe cryptoassetsThe power and advantage concentrated in centralized exchangesTrustless nature of Ethereum vs. BitcoinThe role of nation-states in the DeFi ecosystem as it continues to growThe idea that “Eth is money” and Eth as a store of value asset in EthereumThe impact of Covid19 on the economy and crypto marketsThe future of Ethereum and Bitcoin Episode links: Mythos CapitalBankless newsletterBankless podcastRyan Sean Adams on MediumMythos Capital on TwitterRyan Sean Adams on TwitterReset Everything Sponsors: Least Authority: Register for Security Sessions on April 30th to learn about security audits for your blockchain project - https://leastauthority.com/meetup This episode is hosted by Sebastien Couture & Brian Fabian Crain. Show notes and listening options: epicenter.tv/334
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