Erik Voorhees: Prism – The World’s First Portfolio Market Platform
Shapeshift CEO Erik Voorhees joined us to discuss his journey in the industry, the evolution of the decentralized exchange Shapeshift and their latest project Prism. We spent most time diving into the mechanics and enormous potential of Prism. Prism allows users to create a portfolio of digital assets that is purely managed on the Ethereum blockchain and illustrates how blockchain-based financial products can be built. Topics covered in this episode: Erik’s journey in the blockchain space from SatoshiDice to Shapeshift Shapeshift’s evolution and long-term vision Erik’s view on ICOs and why they will disrupt the stock markets Prism – The world’s first trustless portfolio market platform The mechaniscs of Prism Why Erik supports SegWit2x Episode links: Shapeshift Website Erik Vorhees' Blog: Money and State Erik Vorhees Twitter Page Prism Exchange Introducing Prism - Blog Post Epicenter 130 with Erik Vorhees This episode is hosted by Brian Fabian Crain and Sébastien Couture. Show notes and listening options: epicenter.tv/190
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