EP35: Krista Halling & John Freeman—Better Adventures With Your Dog
Let's talk about dogs. We love them! Walks, cuddles, playing fetch... But what about travel and adventure with your dog? Have you boarded a plane with your pup? Embarked on a multi-day backpacking adventure? An epic road trip? If you're like most people, you likely look for a dog-sitter when you're travelling. But what if you changed your mindset and looked at ways you can bring your do with you. It's possible. Krista and John can show us how—and this is why they founded DogPacking.com, a website devoted to information and inspiration for better adventures with your dog. Krista is a veterinary surgeon and John is currently on a round-the-world bike-packing trip with his dog in tow. So they know their stuff. So let's sit back and talk dogs with Krista Halling and John Freeman.
From "Explore Magazine's Live The Adventure Podcast"
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