EP167: Healing Intergenerational Patterns with Katherine
Katherine Lewis is a keynote speaker with 7 years of experience leading the Leon Foundation of Excellence. Katherine helps young people heal intergenerational patterns of poverty, trauma, and abuse, empowering them to gain leadership skills and live a life of excellence. Katherine is also the host of The Opportunity Made Show. Website: www.leonfe.org Free leadership course we would love people to beta test: https://leonfoundation.thinkific.com/ Connect with Katherine: https://www.instagram.com/leonyouth/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/opportunitymade/ Join our supportive group community: https://healingfromtraumatogether.com/ www.facebook.com/groups/healthrivedream Connect with me: Gmail: healthrivedream@gmail.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healthrivedream_ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healthrivedream YouTube: https://youtube.com/@traumarecoveryexpert Twitter: https://twitter.com/healthrivedream LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenrobinson2022/ Website: https://www.healthrivedream.com/ Podcast: http://healthrivedreampodcast.com/abuse Loved this episode? Leave us a comment below.
From "The Heal Thrive Dream Podcast"
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