Ep.98 - Inbetweener - How might one think like a Philosopher (at work) ?
How might one think like a Philosopher in the workplace? In this short, sharp Inbetweener episode, diving into a book by a previous guest, Dr Julian Baggini’s “How to Think like a Philosopher” " the Occupational Philosophers discuss exactly that! Julian Baggini has 12 key principles that the book is built around for a more humane, balanced, and rational approach to thinking. These include: Pay attention Question everything (including your questions) Watch your steps Follow the facts Watch your language Be eclectic Be a psychologist Know what matters Lose your ego Think for yourself, not by yourself Only connect Don’t give up. Whilst they don’t want to big themselves up, The Occupational Philosophers think that diving into Julian’s Book helps them sound a little more intelligent than normal! Whilst you may not agree that they sound smarter, the book is excellent. They hope you enjoy the show. FYI: The Inbetweeners episodes are just that - smaller episodes 'in between' the longer format episodes designed to give a fruity burst of energy to enable you to be the most curious, creative and imaginative cat you can be - and have some fun in the process. References: Selective Attention: Gorilla walking video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo Julian Baggini “How to think like a Philosopher” https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/62708028-how-to-think-like-a-philosopher Say Hello www.occupationalphilosophers.com Their day jobs JOHN: https://www.bowlandconsulting.com/ SIMON: www.simonbanks.com.au SIMON SHOWREEL: https://youtu.be/YZQdJI6qGvg
From "The Occupational Philosophers - A not-so-serious business podcast to spark Creativity, Imagination and Curiosity"
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