Ep 79 | UTOKing with Vivian Dittmar | On the Healthy Release of Emotional Baggage
In this episode, Gregg is joined by Vivian Dittmar. Vivian is an author, wisdom teacher and founder of the Be the Change Foundation. She has a diverse background that includes experiences in traditional cultures, Far Eastern philosophy, and shamanic traditions, outlines a framework differentiating physical sensations, biological instincts, social feelings, unprocessed emotions, and transcendent abilities. She emphasizes practices that help process difficult emotions to develop wisdom rather than escape into spiritual bypassing. In this episode, she describes her framework for the emotional backpack and healthy, conscious release. Gregg reflects on how this aligns with UTOK’s model of human consciousness and the unified approach to psychotherapy. ℹ️ - - - Find out more about Vivian Dittmar- - - ℹ️ Homepage: https://viviandittmar.net/en/ Free Workshop: Introduction to Conscious Release: https://signup.lebensweise.net/conscious-release-workshop#:~:text=This%20free%20workshop%20introduces%20Conscious,healing%20happens%20through%20conscious%20feeling. Book: The Emotional Backpack: https://viviandittmar.net/en/the-emotional-backpack-book/ Online Course: The Emotional Backpack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zme6JyJz-3k Free Workshop: How big is your emotional backpack?: https://signup.lebensweise.net/conscious-release-workshop ℹ️ - - - Find out more about Gregg Henriques - - - ℹ️ Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx 🌳 - - - The Unified Theory of Knowledge - - - 🌳 Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_knowledge_system
From "UTOKing with Gregg"
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