Ep. 651 – “Called to Be Creative” with Mary Potter Kenyon (@mpotterkenyon)
“Creativity is a tool to get through life happier and healthier.” – Mary Potter Kenyon Today’s featured award-winning author is inspirational public speaker, workshop presenter, certified grief counselor, and Therapeutic Art Coach, Mary Potter Kenyon. Mary and I had a fun chat about her book, “Called to Be Creative: A Guide to Reigniting Your Creativity”, what research tells us about creativity, and more!! Key Things You’ll Learn: The biggest myth about creativity How can practicing creativity be a healing tool How her writing process evolved after publishing many books What to expect from her next book Mary’s Site: https://marypotterkenyon.com/ Mary’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B000APBBJY/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=ccc50c0b-5c67-4856-9788-1ff85f7e444b&store_ref=ap_rdr&ref_=ap_rdr The opening track is titled “Check It Out” by Mountaineer from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/mountaineer/check-it-out License code: AR6DFPGVXQ9Q1SSY Please support today's podcast to keep this content coming! CashApp: $DomBrightmon Donate on PayPal: @DBrightmon Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dombrightmon Get Going North T-Shirts, Stickers, and More: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/dom-brightmon You May Also Like… Ep. 602 – “How to Unlock Your Creative Potential” with Robin Landa (@rlanda): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-602-how-to-unlock-your-creative-potential-with-robin-landa-rlanda/ Ep. 301 – “Transformative Creativity” with Firdaus Kharas (@Culture_Shift): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-301-transformative-creativity-with-firdaus-kharas-culture_shift/ Ep. 348 – “Bring Inner Greatness Out” with Dr. Mansur Hasib, CISSP, PMP, CPHIMS (@mhasib): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-348-bring-inner-greatness-out-with-dr-mansur-hasib-cissp-pmp-cphims-mhasib/ 148 - "Everyday Magnificent" with Gabriela Masala (@onelovealliance): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/148-everyday-magnificent-with-gabriela-masala-onelovealliance/ #Bonus Ep. – “Unleash Your Creativity & Get Things Done!” with Jim Larsen (@WriterJimLarsen): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/bonus-ep-unleash-your-creativity-get-things-done-with-jim-larsen-writerjimlarsen/ Ep. 619 – “The Heart of the Matter” with Joffre McClung (@JoffreMcClung): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-619-the-heart-of-the-matter-with-joffre-mcclung-joffremcclung/ Ep. 477 – “P.S. You're a Genius” with Kelly Trach (@kellytrach): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-477-ps-youre-a-genius-with-kelly-trach-kellytrach/ Ep. 475 – “Divine Genius” with Adam Hall: https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-475-divine-genius-with-adam-hall/ Ep. 617 – “100 Acts of Love” with Kim Hamer (@100ActsofLove): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-617-100-acts-of-love-with-kim-hamer-100actsoflove/ Ep. 388 – “Types of Grief” with Tiffani Dilworth, MA, LCPC (@TiffaniDilworth): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-388-types-of/ Ep. 454 – “Twenty-One Olive Trees” with Laura Formentini (@FormentiniLove): https://www.goingnorthpodcast.com/ep-454-twenty-one-olive-trees-with-laura-formentini-formentinilove/
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