Ep. 46: Trevor 'ToeCracker' Crook: the man behind the public persona
Special guest on this episode is marketing legend, Trevor "ToeCracker" Crook. During this open and frank conversation, Trevor speaks candidly about his comeback from deep depression, and even attempts to end his own life (on two separate occasions). This episode of The COMEBACK Coach Podcast is a "must listen" for anybody who wants a spark of inspiration when struggling through tough times. Also mentioned during this episode: Those "ToeCracker" shoes! Matt Bacak, Mark Joyner, International Lifestyle, Australia, Beer Bourbon and Business, Divorce, Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson, Shaun Stephenson, Get Off Your But comeback, PSI Seminars, unstoppable, Grant Cardone, self-sabotage, Queensland, banking industry, management, Finance Broker, copywriting, Dan Kennedy, proposals, mentoring, coaches, consultants, impact, Beers Bourbon and Business Pariss Lampropoulos, John Carlton, Drayton Bird, Ben Simkin, Pauline Longdon, About Trevor "ToeCracker" Crook: He"s known as the Crocodile Dundee of direct response copywriters. It’s a title he"s happy to have. Trevor often has people trying to impress him with their copy and the profits it"s made them. Yet as soon as he sees their copy, he can instantly see where they are leaving money on the table. A quick “That’s not a profit! This is a profit” tweak . . . and they are making more money than they thought humanly possible. Over the last 12 years Trevor has mentored many copywriters across the globe. And many of them went on to become world class and A-List copywriters and work for companies such as Agora Financial. And he does it all while I live the International Lifestyle. Long before he got into copywriting and marketing . . . he was in the banking profession. Most of which was as a commercial lending manager. During his banking career he estimates he interviewed over 10,000 business owners, pulled apart in excess of 35,000 sets of financial statements over a 20 year banking career. This included 5 years as a self-employed commercial finance broker . . . brokering multi-million dollar deals for his clients between the greedy banks. Since 2001, his breakthrough advertising and marketing strategies have consistently helped his clients double, triple, even quadruple their business. At times . . . even more. Here’s what marketing legend Matt Furey said about Trevor... “Trevor Crook has a rare ability to find the financial leaks in any business that most great entrepreneurs cannot see. Once found, his powerful and insightful marketing methods quickly increase income while creating customer loyalty. If you want the "straight-scoop" with zero fluff, then pay attention to everything Trevor teaches about copywriting and marketing. He is one of those rare marketers who can turn words into a magic elixir . . . from the stage or through his sensational copy. He has a knack for turning lemons into lemonade . . .” – Matt Furey LINKS for connecting with Trevor "Toecracker" Crook: Website: https://smofo.com Facebook: https://facebook.com/toecracker Beers, Bourbon and Business live event (Gdansk, Poland 16 - 18 May, 2023): https://toecracker.com/bbandblive "Exclusive 3-Day Event for Ambitious Marketers, Serious Copywriters and Savvy Entrepreneurs Shows You How To Create Market Domination On Autopilot"
From "The COMEBACK Coach"
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