Ep. 45: "Manifestation works!" (learn how with Carl Bradbrook)
Carl Bradbrook returns by invitation for a second guest appearance on the show. Carl is a Neville Goddard expert who teaches how to "manifest" in his new course, Abundance Life Vision. Carl"s special link: http://www.carlbradbrook.com In this episode Carl Bradbrook gets specific about why "manifesting" isn"t working for so many people. And how to fix it... "Manifesting works!", says Carl. Mentions in this episode include:manifestationenergychakrasvisualizationhigher selfauditory visionNeville Goddardmeditationegoconsciousnessspiritual journeyaffirmations"mirror work"karma"shadow self" More About Carl Bradbrook: Carl was made in England and left when he was 24. He worked in the financial markets in trading rooms for 10 years in London, New York, Tokyo and Sydney Australia. He left the corporate world and embarked on a journey of self discovery and personal development. Since then he has been involved in a variety of small business adventures and has been working predominantly in the personal development industry since 2003. He is a relentless seeker of the truth and has participated in just about every form of personal development modality available, from Ayahuasca journeys in South America, meditation retreats in Asia and more Western style processes and techniques than you can point a stick at. Amongst other things he is a Master Practitioner of NLP , Time Line Therapy and Clinical Hypnosis. He has produced a variety of personal development products, recorded a number of audio books and is currently teaching people how to communicate more effectively with their Unconscious Minds, to dissolve the faulty unconscious programming, install new programming and become more of who they really are. Carl"s link: http://www.carlbradbrook.com
From "The COMEBACK Coach"
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