Ep. 42: Life, Love & Copywriting (guest, Pauline LONGDON)
[MUST LISTEN EPISODE!] SPECIAL GUEST: Pauline LONGDON - author - speaker - copywriter - marketer - Retired Australian Army Nursing Major - long-time loving partner of Rae Brent - SURVIVOR OF DEPRESSION AND (almost) ATTEMPTED SUICIDE - wearer of mohawk hair ❓ Who Is Pauline Longdon... Pauline Longdon, is an Emotional Direct Response Copywriter and Marketer, who has crammed a decade of copywriting experience into only a few short years. She has made a seamless transition from retired Army Nursing Major, to a complimentary therapist, a businessperson and now as a well-paid, in demand copywriter. Pauline uses her vast life experience and natural communication style to help translate her clients heartfelt and mindful messages into meaningful marketing masterpieces. She has managed to catch the eye of many of the copywriting veterans around the world. Her grounded personality and solid character makes her a pleasure to work with. She is truly a rising star of the global copywriting scene. Pauline is an International Speaker, Bestselling Author and in her spare time, she is a Mentor for the AWAI (American Writers & Artists Inc.) Circle of Success program. 🌐 Links: Pauline Longdon"s Member"s Spotlight at AWAI"s 2019 Bootcamp 👉 https://youtu.be/O16no9up3Qg Pauline"s website: 👉 https://thecopyalchemist.com/ Pauline"s books on Amazon: "From Depression"s Darkness to the Light of Life: A Personal Journey" "The Copy Alchemist"s "Knowledge Nuggets" Year 1: 001-052" 👉 https://www.amazon.com/stores/Pauline-Longdon/author/B07534M9W4 Sign up for Pauline"s KNOWLEDGE NUGGETS Newsletter 👉 https://thecopyalchemist.com/
From "The COMEBACK Coach"
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