Ep 414: Replacing Busyness with Fruitfulness
Busy is NOT a disordered or to-do list. Busy is a disordered heart. Listen to discover that you really DO have all the time you need for exactly what God's called you to. Meet my client & sister in Christ Lissa Figgins. Wife. Empty nest mom. Life Coach. Host of the Redeem Her Time Podcast. Christian Time Management Coach helping Entrepreneurial Women go from Busyness to Fruitfulness in Midlife + Business. Listen as we discuss: - Lissa's background, including her 'identity' as an overachiever (boy can I relate) - why women tend to wear busyness as a badge of honor (and what busyness REALLY is) - how (and WHY) we need to change our focus from lack (ie, never having enough) to the abundance of Christ & our bigger purpose in Him - an eye-opening analogy with jars of marbles PLUS you'll hear so many mic drop sentiments related to time including: time is a gift to be received (and stewarded). In addition, Lissa shares how for the first 10 months of 2023, she generated exactly $5K. BUT after just 2 months inside the Joyful 6 Figures Accelerator, she had a wildly successful launch of nearly $40K (in less than 2 weeks time) Download Lissa's Fill Your Cup Guide (discover why filling up is essential & how to make time to do it): https://redeemhertime.com/ Listen to her Redeem Her Time Podcast: https://redeemhertime.com/podcast Follow her on FB:https://www.facebook.com/lissa.figgins/ ______________________________________ Committed to Making Your 1st $100K? Join the Joyful 6 Figures Accelerator: https://www.judyweber.co/accelerator Ready to Scale from 6 to 7 Figures (while DOUBLING your profit + reducing your workweek by 20%)? Join the Joyful Scaling Mastermind Wait List: https://www.judyweber.co/mastermind
From "Joyful Scaling for Christian Female CEOs & Entrepreneurs with Judy Weber"
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