"It’s time to stop the flexibility madness!" ~ Yogi Aaron Yoga teacher, Yogi Aaron overcame adversity, fear, despair, and setbacks with the help of a single affirmation. Aaron shares the affirmation and the story behind his experiential experience. It"s a story which leads to Yogi Aaron answering the question, "why do you teach "STOP stretching"? Website link: 👉 Yogi Aaron 🌐 https://yogiaaron.com Creator of the revolutionary approach to yoga — Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ (AYAMA), host of the yoga podcast ‘Stop Stretching’, author of ‘Autobiography of a Naked Yogi’, and ‘Stop Stretching: Eliminate Pain. Transform Your Life. Fulfill Your Purpose’, and Co-Owner of Blue Osa Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica — Yogi Aaron is dedicated to helping you tap into your greatest Self! He has spent 30+ years studying the ancient teachings of yoga as well as modern and scientific practices that promote pain-free living on all levels of self — physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. His passion is in guiding people back home to their truest self, helping them tap into their limitless potential, eliminate their pain, and live their life’s purpose. Yogi Aaron"s book link: 👉 STOP STRETCHING 🌐 https://amzn.to/3xHJmMk A New Yogic Approach To Master Your Body and Live Pain-Free. This book is for anyone who wants to restore balance to their body through yoga and begin their pain-free journey. Yogi Aaron is no stranger to pain. For decades, he seriously abused his body in the name of fitness and yoga. After a brush with a spinal fusion, Yogi Aaron began to ask, “Why are we stretching, and how much flexibility do we really need?” In his quest to answer this question, Yogi Aaron discovered a shocking truth: The fitness industry’s obsession with stretching is causing unnecessary, catastrophic pain and injury.
From "The COMEBACK Coach"
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