Ep. 312: 5 Unexpected Plot Twists That Changed My Business for Good
In John Lennon’s famous song Beautiful Boy, he sings the words, “Life is what happens to you While you're busy making other plans.” I feel similarly when I look back and think about the trajectory of my business journey – there have been so many plot twists that happened while I was making other plans. When your reality looks different than you thought it would, it can be really hard! It can feel extremely uncomfortable. And the thoughts and feelings we have about what life and business look like compared to what we THINK it should look like can make it really tough to TRUST THE PROCESS. And so, I thought I’d share with you some of the major plot twists that have happened through the course of my years as a creative entrepreneur and coach, and why I’m so glad they did. On this episode, you’ll learn: Why I quit a promising new job without a backup plan How my business has looked different in different seasons of motherhood Two (expensive) lessons in integrity from business investments that were not what I expected The unplanned shift that had me thinking, “I didn’t see that coming” The current plot twist currently unfolding through this podcast and why I’m so excited to share it with you My I believe it’s so important to have goals and dreams, but to also be willing to hold them loosely When life feels complicated, when business feels complicated, and you don't know where to begin when it comes to UNcomplicating it, it’s time to SIMPLIFY. High-profitability paired with high quality of life is the mission of my business, and it’s the focus of my partnership with clients inside SIMPLIFIED.SIMPLIFIED is my high-touch, white-glove coaching and consulting intensive for creatives and coaches, and applications are currently closed. To be the first to know when applications reopen, join the waitlist.
From "BEYOND: The Podcast for Moms Called to Business"
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