What is a ‘back pocket speech?’ When do you need it? How do you use it? All good questions! Darren and Mark provide answers…and ideas for making your ‘back pocket speech’ unforgettable. SNIPPETS: • It’s not if…but when you have to fill in for another speaker • Be prepared • Make the meeting planner look good, and build your reputation • Make it a habit at a conference to offer to speak if a speaker doesn’t show up • Ask yourself, “What more can I provide?” • Create awareness. If they aren’t aware of you, they can’t hire you • Don’t get ready; stay ready (Craig Valentine) • Keep a file of potential back-pocket presentations • You have more material than you know • Be natural Work with Mark and Darren: https://www.stagetimeuniversity.com/get-a-speaking-coach/ Check Out Stage Time University: https://www.stagetimeuniversity.com
From "Unforgettable Presentations"
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