EP. 267: Harnessing EMDR and Polyvagal Theory for Stress Mastery with Gabrielle Juliano-Villani

14 Feb 2024 • 73 min • EN
73 min
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Many people know I"m a gusher, meaning that when I find something I really believe in, I want the whole world to know about it. I truly believe that the bottom-line goal with ADHD is to master our nervous systems, which is why I"m so delighted to sit down with clinical social worker and coach, Gabrielle Juliano-Villani.   Gabrielle began her career in child protective and victim’s services and eventually started her own private practice working with older adults, folks with chronic pain and illness, and trauma. After hitting her own ADHD burnout in 2021, she sold her practice and made it her mission to educate others on the impact stress has on our everyday lives.   Gabrielle pulls from her experience as an EMDR and polyvagal-informed therapist to utilize mind/body approaches to help others implement everyday strategies to manage stress and live their best lives. During our conversation she provides an easy-to-digest breakdown of what EMDR is and how it works, the basics of Polyvagal Theory, what it means to “map” your nervous system, and how these somatic therapy approaches can help us to get out of our heads and back into our bodies. Resources: Instagram: @gjvconsulting   Tiktok: @gabriellejulianovillani   Youtube: @gabriellejulianovillani    Website: Gabriellejulianovillani.com Medicareconsultingfortherapists.com  GJVConsulting.Etsy.com  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriellejulianovillani/  Retreat discount code is ADHD   Send a Message: Name | Email Address | Your Message Hello, my brilliant friends! I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Blends, my daily ten-minute audio mix of coaching, mindfulness, affirmations, and more, designed to create positive emotions and regulate our ADHD brains. It's a labor of love, and you can get a whole year of Blends for just $47 at adhdforsmartwomen.com/go. 

From "ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka"

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