EP. 266: ADHD in the C-Suite: Katy McFee's Blueprint for Women in Leadership

07 Feb 2024 • 66 min • EN
66 min
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Katy McFee spent the bulk of her career undiagnosed, and struggled for years until she learned how to work with her ADHD and not against it. After 18 years in the corporate world she founded her company, Insights to Action, which is on a mission to help close the gender gap in senior leadership.    Katy discovered through her entrepreneurship journey and ADHD diagnosis that we can all thrive as our authentic selves once we are ready to accept ourselves for who we are. She is passionate about empowering women and helping more women break into senior leadership and thrive as leaders without burning out, a passion that shines through in everything she does.    Join my insightful conversation with Katy to hear about her personal ADHD journey, how she sets herself up for success each day with an energizing morning routine, everything she’s learned about leadership in the corporate world, and all the work she’s doing to help other incredible women like herself make meaningful changes in male-dominated industries.  Resources: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katy-mcfee-3880b4a/ Instagram: @katy.mcfee  Website: www.insightstoactioncc.com    Send a Message: Name | Email Address | Your Message Hello, my brilliant friends! I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Blends, my daily ten-minute audio mix of coaching, mindfulness, affirmations, and more, designed to create positive emotions and regulate our ADHD brains. It's a labor of love, and you can get a whole year of Blends for just $47 at adhdforsmartwomen.com/go. 

From "ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka"

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