Travis Chappell , The Start Down

Ep-208 Wealth of Knowledge with Travis Chappell

19 Sep 2023 • 39 min • EN
39 min
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Introduction (0:00)    - Mike Ficara introduces Travis Chappell, a social media expert and wealth of knowledge.    Travis"s Podcasting Journey (0:41)    - Travis started podcasting out of a love for personal development, despite not being a fan of reading.    Podcasting for Self-Improvement (2:51)    - Podcasting serves as a medium for inputting valuable information into your mind, resulting in positive output to the world.     Podcasting for Connection and Business Growth (5:09)    - Podcasting"s unique RSS feed allows ownership and distribution but poses challenges for attribution and analytics.    Podcasting as a Networking Tool (8:18)    - Travis realized that requesting a 3-minute phone call could lead to a podcast interview, offering more value than a brief conversation.    Actor Josh Peck"s Career Path (14:37)    - Josh Peck transitioned from a child star to a social creator, using YouTube and podcasting to maintain relevance and hone acting skills.    Interviewing Celebrities and Overcoming Obstacles (18:25)    - Travis reflects on his podcast journey, detailing how persistence led to interviews with high-profile guests like Shaquille O"Neal.    Effort and Results in Podcasting (22:13)    - Travis stresses the importance of effort and preparation in podcasting, calling out those who expect great results with little effort.    Finding Fulfillment Through Action (26:24)    - Travis discusses the need for full investment in endeavors and the challenge of giving advice due to diverse situations.    Career Pivot and Personal Fulfillment (29:12)    - Travis reflects on his past as a door-to-door salesman and how he pivoted towards podcasting.   Unconventional Wisdom in Parenting (32:24)    - Travis shares his experiences as an entrepreneur and parent, highlighting unconventional parenting methods.    Productivity, Tech, and Self-Care with Travis Chappell (38:20)    - Travis recommends Google Drive for file storage and Dropbox for collaboration.    - His book recommendation is "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius, and he plugs his podcast, "Travis Makes Friends."   In this episode, Travis Chappell shares his podcasting journey, insights on podcasting"s value, and unconventional wisdom in parenting and personal growth. Travis website: Travis Facebook:  Support the Show. More episodes: Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: YouTube: Get my book for only $0.99 with the promo code PODCAST- Host: Mike Ficara- Content Manager: Charlene Gillego

From "The Start Down"

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