Ep. 177 - Small List, Mighty Results: A High-Touch Strategy for Email Growth

20 Jan 2025 • 33 min • EN
33 min
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List-Building Tactics For Email Growth So how do Tim Ferriss and James Clear do it? How do they get millions of people on their email lists and, most importantly, how do they keep people subscribed? I believe a small email list of engaged subscribers and active buyers outweighs a large email list any day, but we have a lot to learn from these two men’s strategies. Listen to this episode to hear which of their tactics I'm going to be using to grow my own email list this year. A $40M Business Owner Reverts to a $5/hour Strategy for His Success   The truth is, you don't need large numbers of subscribers like Ferriss and Clear to succeed. The lists cultivated with high-touch strategies may be "small" in comparison to millions, but the engagement of the subscribers produces incomparable results. Learn the exact direct sales flywheel strategy of Nathan Barry and how his manual efforts produced undeniable success even in this automated AI world. Let's Talk Tactics Building your email list will not happen overnight, and it certainly does not end with putting a subscribe button on your website. In this episode, I share my plan for growing my email list this year and how I plan to keep my subscribers engaged. You'd be surprised to learn the value you need in order to grow could be something you've already created. Stay to the end for some great ideas for freebies to offer, as well as my favorite way to impact engagement with my top readers. Don't let your email list stay stagnant for another year! Create your lead magnet and make your content so valuable for your subscribers that they never want to leave your list.  What’s In This Episode Mailing list maintenance and engagement The $5 an hour strategy inspired by Nathan Barry Personal touch in content creation for stronger relationships Ensuring consistency and reliability in communication List-building strategies    What To Do Next Visit lisalarter.com/e177 for all resources from this episode.

From "She Talks Business"

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