EP 177 - Gwenyth Jackaway - Beyond Limits: Enhancing Screen Time for Happier Kids and Families

18 Nov 2024 • 52 min • EN
52 min
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This week’s guest has 2 daughters and when they started using screens during the pandemic, they were torn in wanting them to be tech-savvy, but also wanted them to be well-rounded.   They set screen time limits, but their kids threw tantrums and rebelled when their time was up. Life turned into a negotiation. As parents, they found that fighting against Roblox, YouTube, Minecraft, and TikTok was a battle they could not win.   Like all parents they tried parental control apps, but the existing technology didn't work. They were hard to set up, their kids broke out, and they got bombarded with notification requests for extra screen time. Fundamentally, they found the approach of simply limiting screen time flawed. Something better was needed and so they made Carrots&Cake. The app focuses on improving the quality of kids’ screen time and now their kids have balance, are happier, and their family has more time to connect.   Find her at: https://carrotsandcake.com/how-to-create-a-screen-time-contract-busy-moms/ https://www.facebook.com/people/CarrotsCake/100065133874950/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/gwenyth-jackaway-phd/

From "Strong Single and Human"

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