Ep. 174 - The Podcaster's Guide To Avoiding Pod Fade

12 Nov 2024 • 29 min • EN
29 min
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Learn how to plan, commit to, and produce a podcast to promote your thought leadership and expertise.    One of the telling signs someone is an expert in their field is if they are able to confidently chat about their topic of genius with little to no preparation. That's why I love to help my clients create podcast strategies to distribute their expertise through this powerful type of media.  This week, Cass and I are back with the fourth episode of our Strategic Marketing For Your Business series. We identify the five reasons podcasts fail and how to overcome them. You're going to hear some great tactical tips for how to start and sustain your own podcast for the long-term goal of establishing credibility and growing your business.  5 Key Factors Contributing to Pod Fade  We identify the five reasons podcasts rarely extend beyond 5 episodes and how to avoid them. The most common misstep is not having a content strategy. Listen in for guiding questions on how to create a content roadmap for planning your episodes. For a real look behind the scenes at what it’s like to have a podcast, listen in to hear our own process for producing She Talks Business and the many hands and skills it takes to create a quality episode.  Harness The Power Of Audio & Video  In this episode, we also give our best advice and tips for creating a podcast meant to be consumed via video or audio, how to capitalize on each distribution type, and which one your audience will enjoy and consume the most.  Are you interested in starting a podcast, or have you tried podcasting in the past? This is a must-listen episode to help you consider the commitment and strategy for a successful podcast. Be part of the 5 percent who make it to episode 100 with our podcasting tips! What’s In This Episode Starting and sustaining a podcast  5 reasons podcasts fail and how to overcome them Content roadmap strategy for podcast longevity Importance of unscripted dialogue to appear as an expert Podcast production process  What To Do Next Visit lisalarter.com/e174 for all resources from this episode. 

From "She Talks Business"

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