Ep.157: Resilience and Well-being in a Fast-Paced World; The Future of Mental Health, with Andrew Ronchetto | Leadership podcasts
What are you doing to look after your people's well-being? In part 3 of this month's mini-series, I'll be talking with Andrew Ronchetto about resilience in the workplace, the need for leaders to listen to their teams, and why companies should integrate wellness into thier business strategies. We explore Andrew's personal journey towards understanding the balance between work and wellness, the role of technology in enhancing workplace health, and the significance of creating a safe environment for mental health discussions, and how all of this connects to building more resilient teams. It's a wide conversation that also touches on generational shifts in workplace loyalty, the long-term impacts of leadership decisions on organizational culture, complexities of organizational change, and the importance of trust, transparency, and vulnerability in leadership. Plenty of practical tips for leaders here on fostering resilience within their teams. Loved this chat, thank you again to Andrew! Thanks for listening/watching this episode of Leading with integrity: Leadership talk. Don't forget to visit www.leadingwithintegrity.co.uk and click the green button to sign up for the LWI: Integrity Leaders community, don't forget the discount code: HALFOFF24 Or contact me directly with any questions: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidhatch-leadernotaboss/ To learn more about Andrew and the work Be On are doing, check out these links: https://beonplatform.com/ https://www.instagram.com/beonplatform/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/beonplatform/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewronchetto/ #Resilience #VulnerableLeader #LeaderNotABoss #Vulnerability #Authenticity #ResilientTeams #LeadingWithIntegrity #LeadershipPodcasts The Leading with integrity: Leadership talk Podcast, hosted by David Hatch. Distributed on all major podcast platforms by Ausha.co Happier teams are more productive teams. More productive teams make more successful businesses. If you want to be a better leader, or are struggling with engagement, happiness, or productivity 'challenges', then get in touch with David today and see how Leading with integrity can change your career, you'll find his LinkedIn profile above! Be a Leader, Not A Boss. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
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