EP 145: Conscious Loving for Healthy Relationships | Katie and Gay Hendricks
Today in this Radical Responsibility episode I chat to Katie & Gay Hendricks, Founders of the Hendricks Institute, and authors of over 40 books. Kathy, a pioneer in the field of body intelligence and conscious loving for fifty years, and Gay, a leader in the fields of relationship transformation and body-mind therapies for more than 45 years, come together to share decades of wisdom on this podcast. We explore the attitudes that make for supportive and healthy relationships. We also chat about: -Practical ways to nurture and strengthen your relationship -How staying curious about problems and feelings can combat the impulse to bicker -Shifting to vulnerability instead of criticism when experiencing setbacks in your relationship -Making your relationship a "no-blame" place -Using appreciation as a foundation of your relationship
From "Radical Responsibility Podcast"
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