Ep. 126 - Greg Walcher

10 Mar 2025 • 43 min • EN
43 min
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Greg Walcher is the author of "Smoking Them Out: the Theft of the Environment, and How to Take it Back", now in its second printing, writes a weekly newspaper column on natural resources issues, and publishes a blog called “Resources and Reality,” which has several thousand subscribers nationwide. A fifth-generation native of Western Colorado, Walcher is President of the Natural Resources Group, a consulting firm specializing in energy, water, public lands, forestry, wildlife, and other environmental issues. He is also an associate in the respected DC environmental permitting firm of Dawson and Associates, serves on the Policy Advisory Board of the Heartland Institute, is a fellow at the Centennial Institute, and a board member of the Energy and Environment Legal Institute. Walcher served in the Governor’s Cabinet as head of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, and as president of a national organization of natural resources cabinet secretaries. Previously, he spent a decade on Capitol Hill working on natural resources and environment issues, and served as president of a non-profit association of 20 counties, 75 cities, and hundreds of businesses in Western Colorado.

From "The Lunch Hour with Federal Newswire"

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