Energetic Mastery For Creating The Life You Desire With Manifesting Generator Cory Michelle
If you want something, you need to fight for it. You need to do the work and attain a certain level of energetic mastery so that you can manifest your desires into reality. However, there is another way to earn your desires without much extra work. That is what Baeth Davis and her guest Cory Michelle talk about in this conversation. Cory is an author, energetic mastery mentor, and the founder of the UnicornCEO® and Energetic Mastery™ Trainings. She helps unicorns (highly conscious and intuitive women) break through their limitations so that they can achieve their lifelong desires. Join them now so that you, too can also unlock your true potential! Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://yourpurpose.com/aligntoyourdesign
From "The Rant with Baeth"
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