End of an Era ✨ Part I ✨ Timeless "Your Own Magic" Nuggets of Wisdom xx

16 Dec 2024 • 58 min • EN
58 min
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Thank you, thank you, thank you. An era closes & the air is humming with change. In this special episode, I felt a nudge to revisit timeless messages from past guests, weaving together whispers of magic, transformation, and what's to come... end of a magical 7 year era - part 1. SPONSORS' SPECIAL OFFERS here In Order on this Episode: Rebecca Campbell @rebeccacampbell_author Moby @moby Robert Hartwell @sirroberttakespics Lisa Nichols @lisa2motivate Charlie Rocket @charlie Trevor Hall @trevorhallmusic Emory Hall @emoryhall Jordan Younger @thebalancedblonde Monica Berg @monicarberg74 Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. @donmiguelruizjr Nyasha Williams @writingtochangethenarrative Emma Mildon @emma.mildon Sarah Blondin @sarah_blondin_heart Gabby Bernstein @gabbybernstein Bree Melanson @bree.melanson Lauryn Bosstik @laurynbosstick Michael Bosstik @michaelbosstick Annie Tarasova @annietarasova / @dreamymoons Vishuddha Das @vishuddhadas Melissa Ambrosini melissaambrosini Allie Michelle @alliemichellel Mastin Kipp @mastinkipp FullyRaw Kristina @fullyrawkristina Melissa Wood @melissawoodhealth Ainslie McCleod @ainslie_macleod davidji @davidjimeditation Ashley Woods @alnwithin Byron Katie @byron.katie Paul Selig @paul.selig RAQUELLE + YOM yourownmagic.com ig @raquellemantra fb group your own magic Submit a topic or question in the topic box on yourownmagic.com SPONSORS' SPECIAL OFFERS here Our Sponsors: * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MAGIC for a great deal: https://happymammoth.com * Check out Magic Mind: https://www.magicmind.com/yomagicjan Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/your-own-magic/donations Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

From "Your Own Magic"

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