Daniel Thorson & Richard D. Bartlett , Emerge: Making Sense of What's Next

Richard Bartlett - Occupy Wall Street as Bootstrapping Collective Intelligence

18 Oct 2018 • 70 min • EN
70 min
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In this conversation, I speak with Richard Dennis Bartlett. Richard is an author, organizational consultant, and founder of Loomio and The Hum, as well as a member of Enspiral network. He and I share an identity as former participants in Occupy Wall Street, me in NYC and Richard in New Zealand. Together we reflect on whether Occupy Wall Street could be seen as a ‘bootstrapped’ collective intelligence, the rise of the vTaiwan movement and digital governance, and the need to leverage both social and digital technology together to create robust expressions of benevolent collective intelligence. The Hum https://www.thehum.org/ Enspiral www.enspiral.com Loomio http://loomio.org Richard on Medium https://medium.com/@richdecibels

From "Emerge: Making Sense of What's Next"

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