Embarking on a Journey of Growth: Peer Learning, New Practices, and Nurture-Based Leadership

07 Dec 2023 • 14 min • EN
14 min
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Are you ready to ignite growth in your business by stepping out of your comfort zone? We"ve just returned from a mind-opening three-day conference, engaging with a diverse group of digital CEOs whose unique approaches triggered our own learning. We"re eager to share the enlightening experiences we gathered during this thrilling event and how they challenged and expanded our beliefs. This episode takes you on our journey of self-discovery, where we not only discovered the transformative power of peer learning but also experienced the unexpected benefits of new practices like meditation and working with crystals. Leadership is not about possessing specific traits or personality types; it"s about nurturing your team and creating a positive environment. So, let"s redefine what it means to be an effective leader. In this heartening conversation, we encourage you to become a "people gardener" - a leader who pushes boundaries and stretches beyond their norm. Our exploration of leadership doesn"t end at owning a small business or managing a team, it"s about being open to change and growth, making this discussion relevant for anyone in the professional space. This episode is not only a source of learning but a call to action, challenging you to take the next step in personal and professional growth. Embark on this journey with us, and let"s grow together.

From "The People Gardener Podcast with Rhonda Delaney"

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