Ed Giron: The Historic Manipulation of the Financial System & the Case for Bitcoin...Part 2

24 Aug 2022 • 93 min • EN
93 min
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In this episode, my guest, Ed Giron, walks us through the pervasive conspiratorial history of our financial system. He highlights the players involved and the repercussions of the central banks that were covertly formed and now enslave the general population to perpetual debt and roller coaster stock market volatility. We will also go into de-regulation, the myth of being "safe" from the system collapse, the case for Bitcoin and it being the only way out. We ran out of time, so there will be a part 3. Stay tuned!  You can find Ed here: https://www.instagram.com/long_vol/ Twitter: @Ed_WardLTD

From "Maverick Mindcast - Fearless Truth in Pursuit of Fearless Freedom"

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