John Lee Dumas & Martin Mao , Entrepreneurs on Fire

How Two Ex-Uber Engineers Built a Unicorn in Less Than 3 Years with Martin Mao

29 Sep 2022 • 23 min • EN
23 min
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Martin Mao is the co-founder and CEO of Chronosphere, the provider of the leading observability platform for cloud-native. He previously held roles at leading tech companies including Uber, Microsoft, Google and Amazon. Top 3 Value Bombs: 1. Luck and timing play a significant role in the result of your success. 2. More industries are now adopting the same technology, and Chronosphere is there to provide better solutions. 3. Be ready when an opportunity presents itself. Take a step back, look at more significant trends in your economy and industry, and be prepared to capitalize on these opportunities. Visit and take back control of Observability - Chronosphere Website  Sponsor: HubSpot: A platform that’s easy for your entire team to use! Learn how HubSpot can make it easier for your business to grow better at!

From "Entrepreneurs on Fire"

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