Dragged Through Hot Coals Backwards, & Other Fun Stuff; with Bridgette Jackson
We"re joined around the mic this week by our first guest of the season Bridgette (Biddy) Jackson. So saddle up your Unicorns, & get ready for a dose of triple trouble! This convo"s equal parts realness, wisdom & laughter alike. There is so much gold here for the taking & Bridgette, or Biddy as we like to call her, is so generous in sharing her story, wisdom and expertise. Lucky us! If you"re single, in a relationship, needing to get out of one, or at the beginnings of one, this episodes for you! Our around the campfire convo covers; · The near death of her daughter while in the middle of a separation · Questions to ask before getting into a "serious" or de-facto relationship · How do you know when it"s time to end a relationship (and some of the signs) · The importance of perspective & gratitude in the face of hand grenades · Good enough is freakin great, & perfection is our armour · How to know your worth and step into that · Finding purpose in what you do & chasing your passion · Diving into the dating pool; oh & we had a rather stellar business idea around this · What holds people in a relationship, past its expiration date · When is the "right" time to separate if you have children · Defining Failure · Till death do us part... yeah/nah · How to have a healthy relationship (spoiler alert, do the work required for growth before you step into the next one!) And so much more... Bridgette is a CDC-certified Divorce/Separation Coach with a post graduate dispute resolution qualification. She’s also a trained divorce mediator (AIMNZ) Relationship Coach (Institute for Life Coach Training) an enrolled barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand Having experienced her own prolonged divorce, she founded Equal Exes in 2018. Born out of her desire to support and guide people navigate their own separation and/or divorce with dignity. While at the same time enabling the process to be less time-consuming and costly. In conjunction with Equal Exes, Bridgette co-established with Nick Scarlett, Equal Group Holdings and Equal Workplace Support, providing new corporate programmes to assist employees with confidential divorce & separation support through their workplace. To learn more about the great work she & her team do check them out: Instagram: @equalexes & @equalgroupholdings or visit their website at equalexes.com Thanks for joining us on this ride. As always, we love hearing from you with guest suggestions, questions or topics. Best way to reach us... on the old Insta: @unicornsandhandgrenades.life If you need emotional support please head to www.findahelpline.com where you can find the helpline number for whatever country you live in. IG: @findahelpline. If in NZ text 1737 for help. Catch you in the next episode. Big love Jax & Kim Send us a text
From "Unicorns and Hand Grenades"
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