Does Canada Need A "Centrist" Political Party?

12 Apr 2024 • 71 min • EN
71 min
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Are you a conservative turned off by the current tone of the Conservative Party of Canada? Are you a liberal who just can't support the Justin Trudeau-led government anymore? Or maybe you're somebody who hasn't voted in past, but you would if there was a party that felt like a fit? We look at the Canadian Future Party - a new "centrist" party - in this edition of the Real Talk Round Table.   2:40 | Interim leader Dominic Cardy, co-founder Rick Peterson, and party member Dicky Dikamba tell us why they started the party, how it differs from existing legacy parties, and how they intend to grow the grassroots.  CHECK IT OUT: 1:02:20 | Mike has a message for the "F Trudeau" crowd, Michael and Bob the Builder think Danielle Smith's out of line with the Provincial Priorities Act, dog lover Fiona says we need to crack down on dangerous canines, and Adam demands the right to purchase 4L milk jugs full of vodka for $49.95. It's The Flamethrower presented by the Dairy Queens of Northwest Edmonton and Sherwood Park!   FIRE UP YOUR FLAMETHROWER:  VISIT THE DQs IN PALISADES, NAMAO, NEWCASTLE, WESTMOUNT, AND BASELINE ROAD!  FOLLOW US ON TIKTOK, TWITTER, & INSTAGRAM: @realtalkrj  REAL TALK GOLF CLASSIC = JUNE 20: REAL TALK MERCH: QUALIFY FOR EXCLUSIVE PERKS! BECOME A REAL TALK PATRON: THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SPONSORS! The views and opinions expressed in this show are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Relay Communications Group Inc. or any affiliates.

From "Real Talk Ryan Jespersen"

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