David Baxter, CEO of Solutions by Text, on the growth of integrated text payments

27 Feb 2025 • 33 min • EN
33 min
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While text is a big part of our daily communications most corporations, particularly those in financial services, use it sparingly. Why is that when texting gets many times the engagement of email? We explain why in this interview. But this is all changing, in large part due to the work of my next guest on the Fintech One-on-One podcast.  Dave Baxter is the CEO of Solutions by Text (SBT), a text and payments platform focused on financial services. Their compliance-first approach to texting has resulted in the adoption of integrated text payments by many fintechs and banks as these companies realize they need to meet their customers where they are at. And that is via text message on their phone. In this podcast you will learn:The big names in tech and finance where Dave cut his teeth.How and why he came to be CEO of SBT.Why SBT is focused on the consumer finance vertical.Why many companies in financial services have been hesitant to use texting.How SBT is able to assuage their concerns around using text as a channel.The most popular use case where SBT clients start.How they onboard a client and integrate into existing systems.What happens when someone clicks on a text payment link.How texting effectiveness cuts across demographics.How SBT is using AI in their text messaging systems.What they learned in their recent study with Datos Insights.The potential for text messaging in consumer finance. Connect with Fintech One-on-One: Tweet me @PeterRenton Connect with me on LinkedIn Find previous Fintech One-on-One episodes

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