Dating Coach Rachel Burnham: Answers to the Most Important Dating Questions on your Mind (with Devorah Buxbaum)
How should we address fertility concerns? How important is physical attraction? What to do if one of the dating parties wants to have a physical contant during dating and the other does not? How long should a couple date for? How important is chemistry vs. checklists? In this fabulous conversation, dating coach and expert Rachel Burnham answers a long list of questions sent in by our audiences, providing fabulous advice for anyone looking to tie the knot in 2025! This episode also features Devorah Buxbaum, who brings her own coaching expereinces to the conversation. Check Rachel out at: https://d8gr8.com/ Enjoy this episode? You will also love our previous dating conversation with dating coach Jackie Glaser: Lessons in Self-Worth, Finding Yourself, and Your "Soulmate" --- Please rate and review the Empowered Jewish Living podcast on whatever platform you stream it. Please follow Rabbi Shlomo Buxbaum and the Lev Experience on the following channels: Facebook: @Shlomobuxbaum Instagram: @shlomobuxbaum YouTube: @levexperience Order Rabbi Shlomo' books: The Four Elements of an Empowered Life: A Guidebook to Discovering Your Inner World and Unique Purpose - The Four Elements of Inner Freedom: The Exodus Story as a Model for Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Personal Breakthroughs You can order a copy on Amazon or in your local Jewish bookstore.
From "Empowered Jewish Living with Rabbi Shlomo Buxbaum"
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