Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix with Keisha and Lauren

10 Apr 2024 • 46 min • EN
46 min
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Send Randi a Message In this week"s episode, we"re exploring the Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, which includes gates 20, 34, 55 and 59.  This incarnation cross is a combination of individual gates (20, 34, and 55) and one tribal gate (59). This cross creates the Channel of Charisma, which is the pure Manifesting Generator channel, connecting the Sacral to the Throat. It"s an important cross that"s connected to the mutation of the Emotional Solar Plexus and the shift in global cycles that will occur in 2027.  This week, I"m joined by two incredible guests, Keisha and Lauren, to talk about their experience with this incarnation cross.  Keisha is a 3/5 Emotional ManiGen with the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2 and Lauren is a 4/6 Sacral ManiGen with the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix  1.  INSIGHTS:The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix connection to the shift in global cycles and mutation of the Emotional Solar Plexus How having a different Profile influences the experience of this incarnation crossWhat the rise of the individual means Evolution of tribal energy Connection between liberation + freedom and this incarnation cross  If this episode resonates with you, make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode. Take a screenshot, share it with your friends on social media, tag me (@iamrandilee), and let me know what your biggest takeaway was from this episode.  I can"t wait to connect with you. Connect with Lauren on Instagram Connect with Keisha on Instagram If you find value in this type of content and would like to see the Uplifting Podcast continue to produce new episodes, please make a donation.  Liberate the Mind: Through Differentiating Your Inner + Outer Authority- masterclass series available for free until 4/30/24 Illuminate Your Incarnation Cross in a personalized 1:1 reading Support the Show. Connect with Randi on Instagram and TikTok, learn how you can co-create magic together and Join Embodiment by Design: FREE community on Mighty Networks

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