Creating Business from Craft - a conversation with Lindsey Struck from NEST
Lindsey Struck is the Chief Handcraft Programs Officer at NEST. NEST helps artisan crafters from around the world work with major fashion and homeware brands and retailers. Lindsey explains the history of NEST and the successful connections they have facilitated between crafters and major a fashion brand like Ralph Lauren and retailers like Williams Sonoma and West Elm. Lindsey explains to host Michael Millward how NEST works and the impact that their work has on the lives of crafters around the world. Crafters may often work independently but collectively they create a major industry that provides a major source of work for women. Michael mentions an interview he saw on the CBSnews programme 60 Minutes with Hermès artistic director Pierre-Alexis Dumas. You can watch that interview on You Tube. The Independent Minds is made on Zencastr. Zencastr is the all-in-one podcasting platform, on which you can create your podcast in one place and then distribute it to the major platforms. Zencastr really does make creating content so easy. If you would like to try podcasting using Zencastr use our offer code ABECEDER. Visit Abeceder for more information about both Michael Millward and Lindsey Struck. Matchmaker.fm Thank you to the team at Matchmaker.fmthe introduction to Lindsey Struck. If you are a podcaster looking for interesting guests or if like Lindsey, you have something interesting to say Matchmaker.fm is where matches of great hosts and great guests are made. Use our offer code MILW10for a discount on membership. Travel NEST works with artisan crafters in over 125 countries. Travel to these countries is cheaper for members of The Ultimate Travel Club, because members have access to trade prices on flights, hotels, trains, package holidays and all sorts of other travel purchases. You can become a member at a discounted price by using my offer code ABEC79 when you join-up. Three the network If you are listening to The Independent Minds on your smart phone, you may like to know that Three has the UK’s Fastest 5G Network with Unlimited Data, so listening on Three means you can wave goodbye to buffering. Visit Three for information about business and personal telecom solutions from Three, and the special offers available when you quote my referral code WPFNUQHU. Being a Guest If you would like to be a guest on The Independent Minds, please contact using the link at Abeceder.co.uk. We recommend that potential guests take one of the podcasting guest training programmes available from Work Place Learning Centre. We appreciate every like, download, and subscriber. Thank you for listening.
From "The Independent Minds"
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