Cristiano Luchini & William Franke + Jayashankar Krishnamurty , Cosmic Dancer - Lo-Fi Music / Hi-Fi Faith

Divine Comedy and Bhagavad Gita, with William Franke and Jayashankar Krishnamurty - Episode 93

21 Dec 2022 • 51 min • EN
51 min
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Contact: I like to disseminate love, kindness and knowledge. Please respect yourself, your people and the earth. Take care, and thanks for supporting me with Paypal. Peace! Podcast Episode Cover, produced by me using the Photoleap app, available on iOS and Android - This new series of episodes on the Cosmic Dancer podcast channel aims to disseminate the theoretical teachings of Vedanta philosophy (dating back nearly 7,000 years) through the practical experiences of daily life. This is through the involvement of guests from the world of music, art, literature, science, etc... Topic: Discussing the Divine Comedy and Bhagavad Gita. Guests: William Franke and Jayashankar Krishnamurty. William Franke is an American academic and philosopher, a professor of Comparative Literature at Vanderbilt University. The main exposition of his philosophical thinking is A Philosophy of the Unsayable (2014), a book which dwells on the limits of language in order to open thought to the inconceivable. On this basis, the discourses of myth, mysticism, metaphysics, and the arts take on new and previously unsuspected types of meaning. Franke holds degrees in philosophy and theology from Williams College and Oxford University and in comparative literature from UC Berkeley and Stanford (PhD 1991). He lectures and teaches in English, German, French, and Italian. He is a member of "HolyLit: Religion and Literature," of the Freie Universität Berlin and Harvard University and has been a member of the Dante Society Executive Council by the general election of the Dante Society of America. Franke's philosophical work intertwines with his production as a theorist in comparative literature. His interdisciplinary approach focuses on Dante’s Divine Comedy read as a theological revelation in poetic language. Jayashankar Krishnamurty: A senior disciple of Swami Parthasarathy, is a graduate of science from the University of Madras and a postgraduate in Packaging Technology from Mumbai. He had a distinguished corporate career. Seeking answers to questions pertaining to life and living he sought the guidance of his guru and spent four years full-time at Vedanta Academy. For over two decades he has been researching and propagating the knowledge of Vedanta, in Telangana State, through Swamiji’s publications. He is the Executive Trustee of Vedanta Institute Hyderabad, a Charitable Trust registered in Telangana (Formerly Andhra Pradesh). Divine Comedy and Bhagavad Gita. Two extraordinary works. The first dates back to 1300 AD and the other probably to 10,000 BC but united by numerous aspects. One above all: the earthly path towards the divine, the evolution of the two protagonists, Arjuna and Dante, in the direction of love. This is thanks to the wisdom and support of two extraordinary guides: Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita and Virgil in the Divine Comedy. The "dialogue" that exists between these extraordinary works of the perennial philosophy, thousands of years and miles apart, is incredible. The two great protagonists Dante and Arjuna are two great personalities, one Prior of the very rich city of Florence, the other an important warrior prince of the Pandavas. Dante and Arjuna receive teachings to be practically experienced through love. They will discover that everything is driven by love and that it will always save us even in the darkest moments of our lives. Love will always win over darkness. In each, during their respective inner journeys, the concepts of justice, peace, freedom, dharma, of doing one's duty for the benefit of all are instilled. Dante and Arjuna in dismay prepare for war and struggle to emerge from the darkness of consciousness and enter the light.

From "Cosmic Dancer - Lo-Fi Music / Hi-Fi Faith"

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