Cristiano Luchini & S. A. Shreedaran , Cosmic Dancer - Lo-Fi Music / Hi-Fi Faith

Discussing Ubuntu Philosophy and Vedanta - Let's shake hands! - Episode 95

18 Jan 2023 • 32 min • EN
32 min
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Contact: I like to disseminate love, kindness and knowledge. Please respect yourself, your people and the earth. Take care, and thanks for supporting me with Paypal. Peace! Podcast Episode Cover, produced by me using the Photoleap app, available on iOS and Android - This new series of episodes on the Cosmic Dancer podcast channel aims to disseminate the theoretical teachings of Vedanta philosophy (dating back nearly 7,000 years) through the practical experiences of daily life. This is through the involvement of guests from the world of music, art, literature, science, etc... Topic: Discussing Ubuntu philosophy and Vedanta. Let's shake hands! Guest 1: Mark Mathabane, writer and Ubuntu Philosophy expert, author of the book "The Lessons of Ubuntu: How an African Philosophy Can Inspire Racial Healing in America" . Book on Amazon: Guest 2: S.A. Shreedaran, Vedanta teacher, disciple of the eminent Vedanta Philosopher Swami Parthasarathy and founder of Mind & Intellect organization - Both Ubuntu and Vedanta are spiritual and ethical philosophies that originate from different parts of the world and have different cultural origins. However, there are certain similarities between the two that are really interesting: For one, both Ubuntu and Vedanta place a strong emphasis on the idea of interdependence and the interconnectedness of all beings. Ubuntu stresses the idea that individuals are connected and that the well-being of each person is dependent on the well-being of the community as a whole. Vedanta similarly emphasizes the idea that the individual self (atman) is ultimately identical to the ultimate reality and ultimate consciousness (brahman), suggesting that all beings are interconnected and connected to an ultimate reality. Both also have strong emphasis on ethical and moral conduct. Ubuntu stresses the importance of respect, compassion and mutual responsibility while Vedanta emphasizes the importance of ethical and moral conduct as a means to achieving spiritual liberation. Additionally, both Ubuntu and Vedanta highlight the idea of self-realization or the attainment of a deeper understanding of oneself and one's place in the world. Ubuntu encourages individuals to act humanely, with empathy and compassion, while Vedanta emphasizes the idea that the goal of spiritual practice is to see through the illusion of the world as being separate from ultimate reality and to realize the identity of the self with that ultimate reality. Join my Facebook Group Meditation Mindfulness Yoga Mantra - Here my short stories about Kindness (I giorni della gentilezza- Paperback - Italian version)- - Here my book Learn Māori Culture and Proverbs (Paperback) - Version with Full Color Images -…1621334435&sr=8-3 - Poster Maramataka: - Here is my book dedicated to Lo-Fi Music (ebook and paperback), - on Amazon USA, UK, INDIA, JAPAN, GERMANY, BRAZIL and other countries. - Here is my book with illustrated philosophical short stories (ebook and paperback), - on Amazon USA, UK, INDIA, JAPAN, GERMANY, BRAZIL and other countries. - Here is my book Black Book Note…32&s=books&sr=1-1 - Here is my journal dedicated to the great Italian poet Dante Alighieri - Here is my fashion brand dedicated to Spirituality,

From "Cosmic Dancer - Lo-Fi Music / Hi-Fi Faith"

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