Cristiano Luchini & Jayashankar Krishnamurty , Cosmic Dancer - Lo-Fi Music / Hi-Fi Faith

Rasa Lila Dance and Shiva Dance in Sanatana Dharma - Episode 94

11 Jan 2023 • 34 min • EN
34 min
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This new series of episodes on the Cosmic Dancer podcast channel aims to disseminate the theoretical teachings of Vedanta philosophy (dating back nearly 7,000 years) through the practical experiences of daily life. This is through the involvement of guests from the world of music, art, literature, science, etc... Topic: Rasa Lila Dance and Shiva Dance (Nataraja). Guest: Jayashankar Krishnamurty, Founder of the Vedanta Institute of Hyderabad, India and disciple of the eminent philosopher Swami Parthasarathy. Join my Facebook Group Meditation Mindfulness Yoga Mantra - Here my short stories about Kindness (I giorni della gentilezza- Paperback - Italian version)- - Here my book Learn Māori Culture and Proverbs (Paperback) - Version with Full Color Images -…1621334435&sr=8-3 - Poster Maramataka: - Here is my book dedicated to Lo-Fi Music (ebook and paperback), - on Amazon USA, UK, INDIA, JAPAN, GERMANY, BRAZIL and other countries. - Here is my book with illustrated philosophical short stories (ebook and paperback), - on Amazon USA, UK, INDIA, JAPAN, GERMANY, BRAZIL and other countries. - Here is my book Black Book Note…32&s=books&sr=1-1 - Here is my journal dedicated to the great Italian poet Dante Alighieri - Here is my fashion brand dedicated to Spirituality,

From "Cosmic Dancer - Lo-Fi Music / Hi-Fi Faith"

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