Cristiano Luchini & S. A. Shreedaran , Cosmic Dancer - Lo-Fi Music / Hi-Fi Faith

Steps to take before doing Meditation (Dhyana) : Shravana, Manana, Nididhyasana - Episode 91

09 Dec 2022 • 22 min • EN
22 min
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Contact: I like to disseminate love, kindness and knowledge. Please respect yourself, your people and the earth. Take care, and thanks for supporting me with Paypal. Peace! Podcast Episode Cover, produced by me using the Photoleap app, available on iOS and Android - This new series of episodes on the Cosmic Dancer podcast channel aims to disseminate the theoretical teachings of Vedanta philosophy (dating back nearly 7,000 years) through the practical experiences of daily life. This is through the involvement of guests from the world of music, art, literature, science, etc... Vedanta is not a religion. Vedanta is a philosophy, the Mother of all world philosophies and religions. The Bhagavad Gita is the most representative text of Vedanta, one of the most widely read books ever. We celebrate the teachings of the eminent philosopher Swami Parthasarathy (96 years old), who founded the organization Vedanta Global and has authored numerous best sellers, including Vedanta Treatise - The Eternities and the invaluable commentary on the Bhagavad Gita. Topic: Steps to take before doing Meditation: Shravana, Manana, Nididhyasana. Guest: S.A. Shreedaran - Vedanta Teacher and Founder of the Mind and Intellect Organization. Disciple of the eminent Vedanta Philosopher Swami Parthasarathy. Sravana Hearing, seeing and feeling are used to receive wisdom. Through words, the knowledge of the ultimate reality is offered to the student, either through a living form of a master, teacher, or coach or through sacred texts. Manana Reflection. When these words are received, the seeker will have to sit with these words. He/She will use inner speech to chew on these words. Learning to have a dialogue with these words of wisdom will reveal the knowledge that is packed within them. Nididhyasana Living and breathing the Truth. Nididhyasana, therefore, means going beyond logic or rationality, beyond the subject-object duality. It is the realisation, comprehension, or understanding of the ultimate Reality after the analysis of the meaning of the Vedantic passages. "The craze the world over is meditation. People do not want to study or listen to lectures. Much less wish to reflect or contemplate. They are averse to any form of effort, or exertion. They want an easy way to divinity. And look for shortcuts to Godhood. This is a grave mistake. Do not fall prey to it. You must methodically follow the procedure of shravana, manana and nididhyasana to get rid of your ignorance. You would then gain spiritual Enlightenment." (Swami Parthasarathy - Vedanta Treatise - The Eternities) Join my Facebook Group Meditation Mindfulness Yoga Mantra - Here my short stories about Kindness (I giorni della gentilezza- Paperback - Italian version)- - Here my book Learn Māori Culture and Proverbs (Paperback) - Version with Full Color Images -…1621334435&sr=8-3 - Poster Maramataka: - Here is my book dedicated to Lo-Fi Music (ebook and paperback), - on Amazon USA, UK, INDIA, JAPAN, GERMANY, BRAZIL and other countries. - Here is my book with illustrated philosophical short stories (ebook and paperback), - on Amazon USA, UK, INDIA, JAPAN, GERMANY, BRAZIL and other countries. - Here is my book Black Book Note…32&s=books&sr=1-1 - Here is my journal dedicated to the great Italian poet Dante Alighieri - E-book and Video on - Here is my fashion brand dedicated to Spirituality,

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