Jeff Krasno
Suze Yalof Schwartz
Commune with Jeff Krasno
Unplug Your Worry with Suze Yalof Schwartz
02 Oct 2019
• 34 min
• EN
When life starts to overwhelm us, it can feel like there's nowhere to turn. Stress and anxiety comes in all shapes, sizes, and emotions. But what if we learned to turn inward and start to heal our minds from the inside out? Suze Yalof Schwartz founded Unplug Meditation to help you find the meditation that clicks with your personality and neurology. When that magic match is made, meditation meets you where you are and helps you reengage with the world around you with clarity and energy. Learn more about Commune courses and events at onecommune.com.
From "Commune with Jeff Krasno"
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