Coming off Anti Depressant meds slowly with Sharon Andrews
Sharon is a full time academic, part time comedian, terrible cricket player and a fan of big Barossa reds. This all means, she likes thinking, tinkering and drinking. What she doesn’t like is writing bios. Our interview is based around the 23 years it took Sharon to get off Anti depressants. She tried a few times to do it more hastily (over 3 months), which ended up being unsuccessful and meant she needed to get back on them again as the effects of the withdrawals were causing all sorts of issues for her. A good insight into the importance of giving yourself time to wean, taper, titrate off these powerful meds that interfere so heavily with the way a person filters their emotions. SHOW INFO If you would like to donate to the running of the podcast and leave an energetic exchange that would be completely wonderful. You can get my book here as a paperback or audio or e book, which is a raw and honest dialogue of how I went from completely using allopathic medicine to manage a diagnosis of epilepsy, to only using a small amount of medicine and managing the rest with lifestyle choices and other wonderful plant medicines and supplements If you have a story that you think other people will benefit from and you would like to be on the podcast then contact me at or Find me on FB A little side note: I am not a practitioner of health professional. These shows are meant to create food for thought for people going through similar situations. Planting seeds of information about things that perhaps you never knew could and might assist in treating and managing the symptoms associated with your diagnosis. Alternative treatments are out there to be used, alongside allopathic medicine, or instead of, that part is completely up to you, but gaining knowledge is the first part in empowering yourself back to health. In love, light and electricity Lainie
From "Love your Diagnosis"
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